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MTC to hold Annual General Meeting.
Published:18 hours ago1View0Likes0CommentsByadminShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkEditMTC to hold AGM next week Wednesday
The Metro Trading Company will hold its annual general meeting (AGM) at the Roodepoort Theatre, 100 Christian de Wet Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort,…Read more
Eldred has MTC all wired up
Published:16 hours agoUpdated:4 hours ago0Views0Likes0CommentsByadminShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkEditEldred Mtaner, Metro Trading Company’s (CTO) newly appointed Chief Technology Officer, has plans he is sinking his teeth into in the immediate term to improve techno-centric service delivery in the…Read more
Business, Networking Site
Joburg ignites free Wi-Fi hotspots to entrench new normal
Published:4 hours ago1View0Likes0CommentsByadminShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkEditWith over 1 000km of fibre optic wire laid out across all quadrants of Johannesburg, the City has connected 84 free Wi-Fi hotspots between Region A and G in a…Read more
Expansion of BRT Control Room Means Better Safety
Published:4 hours ago1View0Likes0CommentsByadminShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkEditIn a bid to ensure that the City’s transport infrastructure and Rea Vaya commuters are at all times safe, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Control Room is relocating as part…Read more